About Us

The Central Lab by Pathawin

Established in 2012,The Central Lab is accredited with ISO/IEC 172025 by the Bureau of Laboratory Quality Standards, Department of Medical Sciences to be one of the few certified labs in Thailand. Over the past 11 years, we serviced over thousands of customers and analyzed over 10,000 samples annually.

Tests that are available at our facility includes :
1. Microbial Test
2. Chemical Analysis
3. Stability and Compatibility Test
4. Irritation Test

All samples and tests are handled by our experts with over ten years of professional experience.


Other Test
Physical Test
Chemical Test
Microtrial Test

Vision & Mission

The Central Lab is part of an integrated facility in Pathawin Co.,ltd, a full service cosmetics OEM manufacturer. The Central Lab offers service for all individuals and organizations.

As the concern for quality, safeness, and consistency has been growing, the amount of samples that we receive are growing exponentially.

Over 10,000 samples are tested and thousands of clients are serviced each year by our experts. As a one of the most trusted labs by individuals, organizations, and universities across Thailand, we pledge to continuously develop and improve.


  • 2007

Year of Establishment

  • 2014

The Central Lab accredited with ISO/IEC 172025 by the Bureau of Laboratory Quality Standards, Department of Medical Sciences.

  • 2015

The Central Lab expanded to operate independently. Services are offered to all individuals, organizations, and universities.